Cepat Kredit aims to be the preferred and trusted financing partner that provides fast and reliable services for Filipinos here and abroad.
To sufficiently finance the needs
of working Filipinos worldwide.


At Cepat Kredit, we understand the sacrifices made by OFWs and seafarers who work far from home to support their families.
Since 2019, we have been dedicated to providing fast, reliable financial support that eases the weight of these sacrifices.
Cepat Kredit continues to be a reliable contributor in economic development as it serves over 37,000 clients and has over P968M in its current loan portfolio.
Our name, “Cepat Kredit,” comes from a Bahasa term meaning “Fast Credit.” It’s a reflection of our promise to continuously innovate and stay true to our mission of supporting you and your dreams.
Meet the team
Our team is dedicated to providing innovative solutions that empower individuals and businesses.
We are passionate about simplifying complex loan processes and delivering exceptional customer service.

Jeno Zarate
President /
Chief Executive Officer

Sarah Andolong
Corporate Planning Manager

Aaron De Asa
Chief Operations Officer

Elmer Seloza
Chief Credit Officer

Lloyd Laurilla
Chief Technology Officer

Carlo Cariaso
HR Head
Sustainable Initiatives

ESG Initiative
Financial inclusion
OFW and Seafarer Industry
Diversity and inclusion
Employee & Loan Consultants

ESG Initiative
Community Outreach

ESG Initiative
Process Automation

ESG Initiative
Community Outreach

ESG Initiative
Financial inclusion
OFW and Seafarer industry
Diversity and inclusion
Employee & Loan Consultants
Employee Development
RIsk Management

ESG Initiative
Green IT Infrastructure
Process Automation

ESG Initiative
Employee Development
Community Outreach

ESG Initiative
Green IT Infrastructure
Process Automation
Data Driven Decision Making

ESG Initiative
Risk Management
Data Privacy

ESG Initiative
Employee Development

ESG Initiative
Financial inclusion
OFW and Seafarer Industry
Diversity and inclusion
Employee & Loan Consultant

ESG Initiative
Stakeholder Engagement
Community Outreach

ESG Initiative
Diversity and inclusion
OFW and Seafarer Industry