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Published: June 24, 2024
Cepat Kredit Took Part in the
126th Kalayaan 2024 Event in Dubai
Warm hospitality, strong family values, resilience, and optimism are just some of the astonishing traits Filipinos are known for. Aside from that, our vibrant festivals and beautiful traditions are also globally recognized. And it was all showcased during the 126th Kalayaan 2024, held last June 9, 2024, at the Dubai World Trade Center.
Not wanting to miss this chance, our team flew to participate in the said event and seize the chance to meet our OFW Kababayans in Dubai.
On the day of the expo, our team came in early for the final preparations and not long after, the event officially started at 9AM. Our team saw parades of Filipinos in their national costume, children dancing to folk music, and elderly women in their breathtaking gowns made from recycled materials. It was astonishing to see the Filipino culture being represented in a foreign land.
Right after the parade, attendees started visiting our booth, excited and curious to know what Cepat Kredit is and what we can offer. Many were curious about what Cepat Kredit is and what we offer. Of course, we had occasional backs turned when they found out we were a lending company, but once they learned more about the service we offered, misconceptions about loans were addressed. Aside from that, free Cepat Kredit items were given to our OFW Kababayans during the event.
Our entire stay in Dubai allowed us to understand why the Filipino culture is thriving in the Middle East and what their state of living is there. We got the chance to talk to some OFWs and hear their stories on how they got to Dubai and what their aspirations are. It was through their stories that we were able to solidify our culture’s strong family values that even if their goal was related to investments, business, healthcare, and even education, it was all for the future of their families back home.
Overall, our team discovered that many OFWs in Dubai are interested and in need of a loan. Our team is dedicated to exerting efforts not only to introduce Cepat Kredit’s to them but also to help them meet their goals and support their families since it’s quite difficult for OFWs to gain credit access in foreign lands.
Curious to know more about our OFW Loans? Visit and apply today to enjoy its benefits in achieving your life goals!
Get in Touch with us!
Tel: +63 917 822 7598
+63 919 059 9599
0288 412 374
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